Communications and Mass Media Complete

Communications and Mass Media Complete is a research database of academic journals, books, magazines and trade publications on the topics of communication and media. This guide is intended to:
- Introduce and describe Communications and Mass Media Complete (About)
- Provide a quick guide on how to use Communications and Mass Media Complete (Quick Guide)
- Introduce the basic search function (Basic Searching)
- Give details of what is available on the search results page (Search Results)
- Provide some detail on the advanced search function (Advanced Searching)
- Provide details of publications and how to search within them (Publications)
- Look at the personalisation available through an individual account (MyEBSCO)
- Give information about help pages on the platform and links to external help pages (Help)
- Answer some frequently asked questions about Communications and Mass Media Complete (Questions)
- Explain how to access Communications and Mass Media Complete (Access)