When you walk in for example snow or sand, you leave behind distinct footprints which people can track, for a while. These footprints are only temporary, though; snow melts and sand is blown away or is submerged by the tide coming in. Every time you go online, you leave behind a trail of data about yourself and your activities. The data that exists as a result of your activity on the Internet is called your "digital footprint." and this footprint isn't removed by time or tide.
Digital Footprints aren't necessarily bad things, but it's important to realise that your online activity generates data about you that others will make use of. Your digital footprint, data that you generate online is recorded, analysed, shared and used to create a profile of you and your interests.
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Image: Digital footprint or shadow concept. All traceable activities on the internet or digital devices. The body of data that an individual creates through their actions online, by OleCNX used under an Adobe Stock Education Licence