PRALINE – Promoting Adult Learning in Networks, is an ERASMUS+ funded KA3 Support of Policy Reform project focused on fostering a culture of lifelong learning throughout Europe through increased cooperation between VET providers. The consortium comprises 12 partners representing an array of EU countries who are committed to delivering transformational change within the VET and Adult Education sphere.
The PRALINE consortium held their 6th transnational PLA (Peer Learning Activity) on the 30th - 31st of January 2023. The event was hosted by consortium members Maison Familiale et Rurale de Maltot, an associative establishment which offers Vocational and Educational Training provision throughout France. The theme of this PLA focused on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and their impact on Vocational and Educational Training provision. There were expert speakers who provided insights in critical areas such as national policy perspective in France, rural development, and the enabling role of VET, while also focusing on the role of education and training providers in delivering global perspectives. The PLA also focused on the role that education and training must play in delivering zero carbon economies, and the links with wider regional and national policy focuses.
Quality in French Training Organisations
The Rural Family Training Centres (MFR): History and Fundamental Pedagogical Principles
The International MFR Experience