Instead of searching for items, you can browse or search the publications covered by GreenFile. Click the Publication tab below field searching on the advanced search page to access publications.
You can search for publications (the search box) or browse titles (the A to Z headings)
There are three search options for searching publications
Clicking on a publication title will open a page like this:
You can search within the publication or, by ticking the box next to the title, you can add the publication to a field search (click the add to search button on the upper right of the page).
Clicking on the three vertical dots will allow you to share the page or create an alert (5. on the Search Results page) if you have a My EBSCO account.
This page contains information about the publication:
On the right of the page is an expandable menu of title coverage - click on a year to see all issues published in that year and click on an issue to see the items in that issue