Downloadable Resources
Academic Presentation Structure
- Use this template to structure a typical academic presentation. You can adapt and change it as required.
Example Group Meeting Notes Document
- An example template for recording information about group meetings
Example Group Working Agreement Document
- This document gives examples of rules that group members could agree to follow before starting on their work together
Pre-Delivery Checklist
- Some things to think about that might help you feel more prepared and less anxious before
delivering your presentation
Presentation Planning and Preparation Worksheet
- Answer the questions in each of the sections to help you plan and prepare
20 World-Class Presentation Experts Share Their Top Tips
- Forbes magazine article in which expert presenters share some tips
All Aboard: Presentation skills and tools
- Tutorial providing a general introduction to approaches to giving presentations
Death by PowerPoint (and how to avoid it)
- A PowerPoint presentation on improving presentation quality. It has some nicely designed slides
Skills You Need: Presentation Skills
- Good advice aimed at improving your presentation skills
- Slideshare is an online platform that hosts presentations. Lots of presentations. You can get an idea of what presentations looks like and what they contain. Slideshare also hosts many presentations on creating good presentations, such as this one
Technically Speaking
- Although aimed at university science students, this site has some good advice, illustrated in video form, on improving your presentations and covers preparation and delivery
Basic tasks for creating a PowerPoint presentation
- Microsoft's step by step guide to creating a PowerPoint presentation
Create a Presentation with PowerPoint
- A PowerPoint manual from Leeds Becket University After working through the manual, you should be able to create effective and professional PowerPoint presentations
How to learn PowerPoint quickly (complete 2020 beginner's guide)
- A more detailed look at creating presentations in PowerPoint
15 PowerPoint Tutorials to Help You Master PowerPoint
- A selection of tutorials to help you improve your PowerPoint skills
Presentation Design
C.R.A.P. Design Principles
- Short slideshow showing examples of contrast, repetition, alignment and proximity
It’s All C.R.A.P.: Four Principles of Design for Better Slides
- Short article on the four principles - with examples - of slide design
The Big Four: Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, Proximity (Presentation Zen)
- Book chapter with more examples of slides adhering to the four design principles
How to Avoid Death By PowerPoint
- TEDTalk from a presentation expert
Creating Images
These platforms use a "freemium" (a business model, especially on the internet, whereby basic services are provided free of charge while more advanced features must be paid for.) model
- creates concept maps and mind maps that you can add to your presentation
- Canva creates graphics that can be used in presentation slides. It offers a free membership (account required) that includes many editable slide templates and design options.
- Piktochart is an online infographics creation tool for use in slides.
Presentation Software
Google Slides
Google Slides
- Google Slide is Google's version of PowerPoint,. Available online as part of the Google Google Docs Editors suite. Requires a Google account
Google Slides Training and Help
- Google Slides Help section
Google Slides Tutorial
- Good tutorial from GCFGlobal a very well respected IT training organisation
Time to learn Prezi
- Prezi's help section, with video tutorials
- Over 17,000 free PowerPoint Templates
- Free Google Slides and PowerPoint templates. Look for "Backgrounds"
Slides Carnival
- Free PowerPoint templates & Google Slides themes for your presentations. Free to use without any need for creating an account
Presentation Anxiety
10 Types of Meditation and How to Do Them
- A breakdown of different meditation techniques to help you get started
Anxiety Canada: How to Do Progressive Muscle Relaxation for Anxiety
- This exercise will help you to lower your overall tension and stress levels, and help you relax when you are feeling anxious
Box Breathing
- Box breathing is a breathing exercise that can heighten performance and concentration while also being a powerful stress reliever.
How to Mediate: Links for Guided Meditation Practice
- A selection of guided meditations helping you cultivate mindfulness, reduce suffering, and improve cognitive and emotional skills
How to Not Be Nervous for a Presentation — 13 Tips That Work (Really!)
- Some good tips on overcoming presentation anxiety
NHS Scotland - Anxiety Self-Help Guide
- Work through a self-help guide for anxiety
Managing Public Speaking Anxiety
- Book chapter exploring causes of speaking anxiety, ways to address it, and best practices of vocal and physical delivery.
Mindfulness Meditation for Beginners
- A short mindfulness practice to help you to connect with your attention
Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are
- YouTube video in which social psychologist Amy Cuddy argues that "power posing" -- standing in a posture of confidence, even when we don't feel confident -- can boost feelings of confidence
Presentation Delivery
Better Public Speaking
- An article with good advice on improving your public speaking
Exploring Public Speaking
- Free textbook on public speaking with some useful chapters
Giving a talk or presentation
- Useful advice aimed at students
Language for Presentations
- Useful list of signpost phrases that you can use to introduce different parts of your presentations
Rehearse your slide show with Speaker Coach
- Speaker coach is a built-in feature of PowerPoint that assesses your pacing, pitch, your use of filler words, informal speech, euphemisms, and culturally sensitive terms, and it detects when you're being overly wordy or are simply reading the text on a slide.
TED Talks: Before Public Speaking
- If you’ve got a presentation to give TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) recommend these talks to help get you pumped up
Group Presentations
5 tips for dealing with lazy group project members
- Video with some advice for dealing with group members who aren't pulling their weight
Poster Presentations
Designing Conference Posters
- While aimed at conference posters, rather than poster presentations, this article has some useful tips for designing posters
Scientific Poster Layout and Design
- Again, some useful tips about design and layout