Numeracy Resources: Web Resources
Adding It Up: How Children Learn Mathematics
- A report from the US National Research Council exploring how children learn mathematics and recommending how teaching, curricula, and teacher education should change to improve mathematics learning Maths Courses
- Alison is a free online learning resource for basic and essential skills. These are their Maths courses.
Application of Number Learner Packs
- Developed to help learners with the NALA Level 3 Course Application of Number
BBC Skillswise: Maths for Adults
- Free videos and downloadable worksheets to help adult learners improve their calculation and numeracy skills
Changing the Way We Teach Math: A Manual for Teaching Basic Math to Adults
- Designed for use by adult basic education instructors who are interested in changing their teaching practice
Citizen Maths
- Citizen Maths is an open online maths course to help support learners working towards a Functional Level 2 Maths qualification or Maths GCSE
- A variety of worksheets, videos and other resources useful for all aspects of basic mathematics and created by a UK-based maths teacher Printable Maths Worksheets
- American site offering digital resources, tools, and learning materials developed by educational experts. Free registration required
Free Math Apps
- Apps to learn and develop maths skills. All apps are available in two or more versions: a web app for all modern browsers, and downloadable versions for specific operating systems and devices (such as Apple iOS for iPad)
- Free digital tools for class activities, graphing, geometry, collaborative whiteboard and more
Good Practice in Integrated and Standalone Numeracy Provision at Levels 1-3: Background Report, Guidelines and Recommendations
- Research carried out by NALA and research partners capturing and documenting standalone and integrated adult numeracy activity in the Education and Training Board (ETB) context, in order to develop good practice guidelines and inform future development of adult numeracy policy and practice.
Launch Video
Have You Got Maths Eyes
- Site aiming to empower people and build their confidence in own maths knowledge and skills and help learners to engage in critical thinking and problem solving using everyday images
An Introduction to Numeracy Training
- Intended for numeracy tutors, teachers, and trainees, this handbook provides guidance about teaching numeracy
Irish Mathematics Learning Support Network
- The Irish Mathematics Learning Support Network (IMLSN) was established in 2009 to promote mathematics learning support (MLS). This site provides videos, notes and interactive exercises on a variety of topics. May work better using the Chrome browser
Math-Aids: Dynamically Created Maths Worksheets
- Free maths worksheets for teachers, parents and students. Over 90 maths topics and 1200 worksheets
Math Apps
- Free apps for learning maths' concepts from the Math Learning Center - a choice of web-based, Apple or Chrome Extension
- Over 58 thousand free maths worksheets covering a broad range of topics including number sense, arithmetic, pre-algebra, geometry, measurement, money concepts and more
Math Games
- Online games and printable worksheets to make learning maths fun
Math Open Reference
- A free interactive maths textbook on the web. Initially covering secondary level geometry.
The Math Page
- This website contains complete courses in basic arithmetic and other maths topics and provides clear, step-by-step sequences with practice problems
Maths4Us: Help With Your Maths
- Math4Us is an initiative of the UK Department of Business, Innovation and Skills to support learners in developing and improving their maths skills. Use these resources to find out more about everyday maths topics
Maths is Fun
- Site aiming to teach maths in an enjoyable and easy-to-learn manner
NALA - Brushing Up Maths Workbooks
- A series of workbooks to showing how to use numbers and shapes in everyday life and use maths to solve problems
Section 1
Section 2 and Section 3
Section 4
Working Towards Level 2
NALA - Getting Started in Adult Literacy and Numeracy A Tutor Training Resource Pack
- A guide for literacy and numeracy tutors with ideas and suggestions for lesson plans
NALA - Time for Learning
- A numbers workbook from NALA that covers three areas:
- Numbers for living
- Understanding the time
- Using money
National Centre for Excellence in the Teaching of Mathematics
- Providing maths-specific school and professional development for schools, colleges and teachers, this site offers a host of resources aimed at teaching maths at primary and secondary level but can be adapted for adult learners
National Numeracy Challenge
- National Numeracy is a UK charity that works to improve numeracy. This is a website to help you check and improve your numeracy - the maths you use in daily life and at work, like managing your money, working out measurements or understanding percentages, rather than algebra or trigonometry.
NWT Literacy Council Maths workbooks.
- Three workbooks looking at everyday maths in the home and kitchen and financial maths. Currency unit is Canadian dollar, but universal principles apply
- This project of the University of Cambridge offers thousands of free online mathematics resources for learners
- American site offering an introduction to mathematics. Good explanations of mathematical concepts with worked examples
NZ Maths: Resource Finder
- The home of maths education in New Zealand. Downloadable resources aimed at a variety of levels
OCR Functional Maths Online Resources (pdf)
- Comprehensive list of functional maths resources at English level 1 (sub-GCSE) learners from a UK awarding body
OCR Support for Functional Skills Mathematics Level 1 (pdf)
- Teaching support document consisting of tasks set in everyday contexts needing mathematics for their solutions
Primary Resources: Maths
- Maths resources created by primary school teachers (but can be used for adult learners)
Scoilnet Maths Resources
- Scoilnet supports teachers in sharing and finding useful resources. This is their Maths section
Shape and Space Manual
- This PDST manual is for teaching shape and space at primary level but is suitable for adult learners
Skills Workshop: Maths
- Adult Numeracy, Functional Maths, and GCSE Resources from a UK Adult Education site
- A wide range of accessible worksheets on all aspects of basic maths
TESS India: Using Number Games
- TESS-India (Teacher Education through School-based Support) document with games and activities to develop number sense
Top 7 Numeracy Apps for Adults
- Numeracy apps that National Numeracy (above) find useful or entertaining
TopMarks: Maths Games
- Topmarks is an independent educational website for children, teaching professionals and parents.
UK Adult Numeracy Core Curriculum
- Developed primarily for use by adult numeracy teachers and tutors, this provides a framework for reaching numeracy standards and outlines activities that can help meet those standards
Wild Maths
- Wild Maths provides rich and open-ended resources, designed to encourage exploration and discovery
Worksheet Fun: Maths
- More free printable maths worksheets for primary school teaching but can be used with adult learners