Siren Films is a resource that provides access to educational videos and articles for early years professionals
This resource is available under licence. One condition of the licence is that access is restricted to authorised users - teachers and learners in the Further Education & Training sector, so a username and password is required.
The web page to get to Siren Films is a password-protected page you can find linked on the Access page of this section. On this page you will find a username, password and link you can use to access Siren Films.
Once you have access to the username and password, go the Siren Films Homepage. Click the user icon in the top right hand corner.
From there you will be able to login with the username and password you acquired from the Siren Films Access page
To search the video content, click on the "All Clips" option available under the Video Library menu.
Searching of the Siren Films video library uses a search box. Enter your search terms and click the magnifying glass. For example, to search for active learning enter "active learning". Videos can also be narrowed down by Age Range and Subject Area through use of the drop down menus next to the search box.
Once you have found a video that you wish to watch, you can simply click to watch it. Siren Films has two types of videos available:
Visual based clips are useful to observe everyday scenarios. Visual based clips often include suggested questions to think about before or after watching the video. Clips with commentary can have subtitles turned enabled and have transcripts available below.
Siren Films offers short courses on a range of topics. These consist of a mix of video content, slides and suggested activities and discussions. Courses typically take around 40 minutes to complete. Courses can be found under Video Library at the top of each page.
You can also create custom playlists of videos. To create a video playlist click the blue playlist icon in the bottom left hand corner. If you cannot see the icon, you should check that you are logged in first. From this page you can create and edit existing playlists. To add a video to a playlist click the edit icon on an existing playlist. From here you can search for clips to include.
Siren Films includes a number of articles. These can be accessed without logging in. To access the articles click 'Resources' at the top of the page. These resources includes articles, case studies as well as news and marketing material related to Siren Films.