A brief history of the ownership of The Beatles catalogue
- The long and winding tale of ownership of the Beatles catalogue over the years (written before the resolution of the legal struggle)
Copyright Licencing Agency Permissions Tool
- Although this is for UK licences, this tool could be quite useful, as the FE licences in the UK and Ireland are very similar. Search for a work and see what the licence permits you to do. .
What is Copyright?
- Short video from Copyright New Zealand explaining copyright via an example of a borrowing a lawnmower
Best Use of your FE College's Educational Licence (Poster)
- Downloadable poster from the ICLA summarising what the FE licence lets you do
- Blog of Dr Eoin O’Dell a Fellow and Associate Professor at the School of Law, Trinity College Dublin covering among other topics copyright, cyber law, Irish law and education policy.
European Intellectual Property Office:Copyright FAQ for Teachers Ireland
- Aiming to help teachers and students in the EU to find information on using copyright protected content in the context of education and training
Intellectual Property Office of Ireland (IPOI): Copyright FAQ
- The IPOI's FAQ on copyright
Irish Copyright Licencing Agency
- A licensing body as defined by Section 149 of the Copyright & Related Rights Act, 2000 that issues licences for the re-use of print and digital works, permitting copying within certain rules from a wide repertoire of Irish and overseas publications.
ICLA Exclusions Search
- Some publishers choose to exclude some or all of their titles from ICLA’s licences. Use this tool to look for excluded works
ICLA Further Education Licence
- The ICLA licence that permits use of copyrighted material in further education
Modernising Copyright
- The 2013 Report of the Copyright Review Committee, which recommended some changes to Irish copyright law
Directive 2001/29/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 22 May 2001 on the harmonisation of certain aspects of copyright and related rights in the information society
- The EU directive enacted to implement the WIPO Copyright Treaty and to harmonise aspects of copyright law across Europe
World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty
- an international treaty on copyright law adopted by the member states of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO)
Copyright and Related Rights Act 2000
- The text of the 2000 Act enacted to help harmonise Irish copyright law with the EU Copyright Directive
Copyright and Other Intellectual Property Law Provisions Act 2019
- Amendment to the 2000 act, which also introduces recommendations of the 2013 Modernising Copyright report (below)
European Communities (Copyright and Related Rights) Regulations 2004
- An amendment of the 2000 Copyright Act further harmonising Irish copyright law with the EU Copyright Directive
Modernisation of the EU copyright rules
- Useful documents relevant to the modernisation of the EU Copyright rules
Open Licencing
Creative Commons
- A non-profit organisation and international network devoted to educational access and expanding the range of creative works available for others to build upon legally and to share
Creative Commons Licences
- A series of licences that rights holders can use to decide how their work is shared
How to Choose an Open Licence
- Useful guide from the National Forum for Teaching and Learning, providing advice on choosing an open licence to use.
National Forum Open Licensing Toolkit
- Practical information for anyone wishing to use open educational resources
Open Definition
- Setting out the principles that define “openness” in relation to data and content
Open Licences
- A list, from the Open Knowledge Foundation, of open licence types and suppliers
Finding Copyright Free/Open Licenced Content
How to find free-to-use images with Google Search
- For when you need to find images that you can use, share, or modify.
- Approximately 2 million freely accessible images, videos, documents, and audio files from library special collections, faculty research, and institutional history materials, Note: the Artsor site has been retired (01/08/24) and subsumed into the JSTOR website
Bing: Filter images by licence type
BBC Sound Effects
- These 16,000 BBC Sound Effects are made available by the BBC in WAV format to download for use under the terms of the RemArc Licence. The Sound Effects are BBC copyright, but they may be used for personal, educational or research purposes, as detailed in the licence.
Creative Commons Image Search
- Search over 500 million openly licensed images
- Books, music, artworks and more from European museums, libraries and archives
Flickr Creative Commons
- Flickr is a photo and image sharing archive. This is a link to Flickr content available under Creative Commons licences
Free Images
- 21,000+ Free Stock Photos in 89 searchable categories. Free of charge for both commercial and personal use under an attribution license
Internet Archive
- A non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, images, and more.
Morgue File
- Over 400000 high quality, high resolution photos. Free for commercial use. No attribution required.
- A free-to-use website for sharing photos, illustrations, vector graphics, film footage and music
- Unsplash is a stock photograph site which uses a licence that allows users to "copy, modify, distribute and use the photos for free, including commercial purposes, without asking permission from or providing attribution to the photographer or Unsplash" Update: Unsplash has been acquired by Getty Images who have added "Unsplash+" photos, which require a subscription.
- 500,000+ stock footage clips, motion graphics, video templates, stock music tracks and sound effects
Wikipedia Commons
- A database of media files (images, sound, video) that are freely available for use with attribution