ePortfolios: Content
ePortfolios are capable of hosting and sharing a wide variety of content. Having a digital platform, you don't have to limit yourself to just text and can use a wide variety of formats suited to your taste and skills.
Content types can include:
- Text
- Images
- Audio
- Video
- Documents such a .pdf or word documents
- Slides
- Links to other webpages such as your LinkedIn profile or useful resources
What to put on a professional ePortfolio:
- A short bio
- Work experience
- Your education
- Professional affiliations and memberships
- Records of your continuous professional development (CPD)
- Projects from work or a course you have undertaken (you may have to ask your employer or teachers first if you're sharing it publicly)
- Reflections
- Scholarly activity such a presentations and publications
What to put on a learner ePortfolio:
- Assignments
- Personal reflections
- Project plans and outputs
- Career planning
- CVs
- Links to other projects
Professional Goals
ePortfolios can be used as part of planning out your career.
When adding a career plan in your ePortfolio you should consider including the following:
- Planning and identifying goals
- Tracking any actions you have started
- Identifying opportunities such as courses, webinars or conferences
- Identifying gaps in your skill set
By identifying gaps in your skill set and setting out to gain these skills, you can demonstrate how you are committed to improving yourself professionally. This does not have to be shared publicly, as not everyone is comfortable doing so.