Training Delivery & Evaluation: Journals and Magazines
Through its resources, the Digital Library has access to a number of journals and magazines relevant to training delivery and evaluation. The resources in which they appear can be accessed via the Library Resources section. This section is password protected. To request a password, please contact the library using an ETB or PLC email address. We cannot provide access to requests made from webmail accounts as we have no way of knowing who you are.
Note, because the resources are password-protected, there are no links to the publications here.
Business Source Elite
Harvard Business Review
- Presents analysis of management problems and helpful commentary on advanced thinking and practice in all fields of management and administration.
International Journal of Human Resource Management
- Academic journal focussing on the expanding role of strategic human resource management in a fast-changing global environment. Note that publication of full text of articles here is subject to an 18-month delay due because of publisher restrictions
International Journal of Training & Development
- A multidisciplinary, international and comparative journal provides research, analysis and debate on the effective use of human resources and the growth of training and development in employees. Note that publication of full text of articles here is subject to a 12-month delay due because of publisher restrictions
Personnel Psychology
- Empirical applied research dealing with a wide range of personnel problems facing public and private sector organizations; articles on personal psychology, employee selection, training and development, job analysis and productivity improvement. Note that publication of full text of articles here is subject to a 12-month delay due because of publisher restrictions
TD Talent Development Magazine (formerly Training and Development)
- Published by the Association for Talent Development, their flagship magazine publishes articles on, for example, training programs, development skills and counselling and guidance
Education Database
Education and Training
- Scholarly journal looking at relationships between education, training and employment and the impact of these relationships on national and global labour markets. Note that publication of full text of articles here is subject to a 12-month delay due because of publisher restrictions
European Journal of Training and Development
- Scholarly journal that aims to provide all those involved in research and practice in training with ideas, news, research findings, case examples and discussion on training and development. Note that publication of full text of articles here is subject to a 12-month delay due because of publisher restrictions
Publicly Available Content Database
International Journal for Research in Vocational Education and Training
- Covers all topics of VET-related research from pre-vocational education (PVE), initial vocational education and training (IVET) and career and technical education (CTE) to workforce education (WE), human resource development (HRD), professional education and training (PET) and continuing vocational education and training (CVET)
Vocational Studies Complete
International Journal of Vocational Education & Training
- Official Publication of the International Vocational Education and Training Association
- American human resource management magazine