Access to Linguahouse is through a personal account. To request access, contact the library using an ETB FET institutional (ETB/Training Centre/College) email address. We can't accept requests from webmail accounts such as Gmail, Yahoo or Hotmail as we can't verify who you are. Neither can we fulfil access requests from non-ETB FET institutions.
The Digital Library has a limited number of accounts which will be given out on a first come, first serve basis. Currently accounts can only be given to teachers and not learners.
Once the Digital Library has created an account for you. You should receive an email that looks like this:
If you do not see this email, check your spam or junk mail.
In this email select "Set Password" and give yourself a secure password.
Once you have an account setup, you can login to Linguahouse from their homepage. Simply click "Login" at the top right of the page.
From there, you can type in your email and password and click login.