- Generative AI is a rapidly moving area and therefore links may become obsolete quite quickly. Efforts will be made to keep links current.
- Many links refer to schools or higher education but the broad principles are the same for the FET sector
What is AI?
The A-Z of AI: 30 terms you need to understand artificial intelligence
- Nice glossary of terms from the BBC that explains some of the jargon associated with the field
A Generative AI Primer
- An introduction to generative AI from JISC's National Centre for AI (June 2024)
Generative AI Exists Because of the Transformer
- An in-depth and non-technical explanation of how LLMs work. Archived version here, in case original article is moved behind a paywall
The GPT-3 Architecture, on a Napkin
- A detailed look at how (Chat) GPT3 works
Stochastic Parrots Day Reading List
- A stochastic parrot is a (disparaging) term used to describe a large language model that is good at generating convincing language, but does not actually understand the meaning of the language it is processing. On March 17, 2023, Stochastic Parrots Day was organized by T Gebru, M Mitchell, and E Bender and hosted by The Distributed AI Research Institute (DAIR) and held online commemorating the 2nd anniversary of the paper’s publication. A comprehensive reading list supported the day.
Welcome to the machine - Generative AI & higher education: a selective guide to resources
- This is a large,rapidly expanding and gradually maturing collection of resources on generative AI tools and of the broader questions of AI in higher education. Maintained by Dr Perry Share, Atlantic Technological University
What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?
- A rough outline of what’s going on inside ChatGPT
What is generative AI and how does it work? – The Turing Lectures with Mirella Lapata
ETBI Webinars
PL&D AI Webinar Series
- ETBI's PL&D unit has partnered with the Digital Learning Institute (DLI) to deliver a series of webinars to help demystify the role of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in learning and how it can be used in FET practice
Quality Unit Webinar Series
- These webinars:
- introduced generative AI to ETB staff
- looked at the impact of AI and ChatGPT on assessment and learner identities
- the impact on the FET learner and academic integrity
Chatbot Hallucinations Are Poisoning Web Search
- Untruths spouted by chatbots end up on the web—and Microsoft's Bing search engine serve them up as facts. Generative AI could make search harder to trust.
ChatGPT Is Dumber Than You Think
- A call to treat generative AI as a toy not a tool
Generative AI - General Limitations and Risks
Google’s AI Hype Circle
- An interesting article more concerned with the decline of Google as a search engine, but with some things to say about AI
The Inevitability of Model Collapse
- Informative Reddit post explaining model collapse - where AI models are trained on AI-generated content and, as a result, degrade over time. Model collapse isn't inevitable, but does require addressing
LLM Failure Archive
- A collection of failure cases for ChatGPT and similar models,with links to further reading
Why AI Isn't Going to Create Art
- A thoughtful essay on generative AI, arguing that the process involved in creation of art are fundamentally alien to artificial intelligence (yet!)
Why is ChatGPT Bad at Math?
- YouTube video discussion how LLMs can confidently state the wrong answers to maths problems
AI Ethics
2023 Will Be The Year Of AI Ethics Legislation Acceleration
- Forbes Magazine (December 2022) article looking at look at what’s happening in Europe, USA and Canada with regard to AI regulation
AI Is a Lot of Work
- Generative AI training is supported by a great deal of human input, much of it done by underpaid workers in developing countries
Artificial Intelligence: examples of ethical dilemmas (UNESCO)
Bias Mitigation in Generative AI
- Blog post explaining how bias can be built into generative AI models and how it can be mitigated
A Computer Scientist Breaks Down Generative AI’s Hefty Carbon Footprint
- Is generative AI bad for the environment? A computer scientist explains the carbon footprint of ChatGPT and its cousins—and how to reduce it
Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Robotics
- Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy article on AI ethics. From 2020, so predates generative AI, but still a useful introduction to the field
Gen AI’s Environmental Ledger: A Closer Look at the Carbon Footprint of ChatGPT
- A visualisation of the cost of using ChatGPT
Generative AI Has an Intellectual Property Problem
- Harvard Business Review article discussing some of the issues around copyright
Generative AI is a minefield for copyright law
- Article discussing whether existing copyright laws are adequate to cope with the challenges of generative AI
The Great AI Backlash is Here
- A collection of articles from Wired Magazine covering issues related to AI ethics
How AI reduces the world to stereotypes
- AI image generators show bias when tasked with imaging non-Western subjects
Teaching AI Ethics
- Practical advice for teaching this complex topic across a variety of subject disciplines. There are case studies, activities, and discussion prompts throughout
These Women Tried to Warn Us About AI
- Rolling Stone article about Timnit Gebrur (former head of Google's ethical AI unit) and and other women from minority groups who have warned about the bias inherent in LLM training data
Your Personal Information Is Probably Being Used to Train Generative AI Models
- Companies are training their generative AI models on vast swathes of the Internet—and there’s no real way to stop them
AI in Education
17 AI Tools and Resources for Teachers
- Some suggested AI tools for teachers from an educational technology blogger
101 Creative Ideas to Use AI in Education
- A crowdsourced open access book offering potential alternative uses and applications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that could make a difference and create new learning, development, teaching and assessment opportunities
2023 EDUCAUSE Horizon Action Plan: Generative AI
- A report on a vision of the future of generative AI in higher education.
2024 EDUCAUSE AI Landscape Study
- Summarise the higher education community’s current sentiments and experiences related to strategic planning and readiness, policies and procedures, workforce, and the future of AI in higher education.
AI 101 for Teachers
- A free, foundational online learning series for any teacher and educator interested in the world of AI and its transformative potential in education. A collaboration between, ETS, ISTE and Khan Academy
AI for Teachers - Open Access Textbook
- From the the EU's AI4T project, this open access textbook, while aimed at second level teachers, is still useful as an introduction to AI use in education
AI in Education: A Padlet
- Resources on artificial intelligence for educators
AI in Tertiary Education A Summary of the Current State of Play
- JISC (UK) report (September 2023) summarising AI applications that are available in education, providing insights into current and emerging use cases and guidance on ethical considerations.
Artificial Intelligence and Inclusion
- Foundational materials on the themes of AI and inclusion including descriptions of overarching themes and key research questions from the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society
Assigning AI: Seven Ways of Using AI in Class
- Some suggestions for ways generative AI can be directly used by learners
ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence in higher education: Quick start guide
- A guide from UNESCO that provides an overview of how ChatGPT works and explains how it can be used in higher education.
ChatGPT Educator FAQ
- Useful advice and recommended reading for teachers and practitioners from the creators of ChatGPT
Degenerative AI in Education
- Blog post asking what if, instead of being generative of educational transformations, AI in education proves to be degenerative - deteriorating rather than improving classroom practices?
The DOMS (TM) AI-Ed Tools Evaluation Rubric
- A practical checklist for evaluating the efficacy & safety of AI education tools (a donation is suggested to access the full rubric)
Empowering learners for the age of artificial intelligence
- Special issue of the journal Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence dedicated to exploring the theme of empowering learners for the age of AI (all articles are free to read)
ENAI Recommendations on the ethical use of Artificial Intelligence in Education
- The European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI) presents a set of recommendations with the aim of supporting academics, researchers and other educational stakeholders, including students’ organisations, on the ethical use of AI tools
Explore AI
- A JISC curated collection of AI demos to discover and explore
Four of the Best Ways to Study (but Not Cheat) With ChatGPT
- A few suggestions for learners to use ChatGPT
Generative artificial intelligence in education
- Statement from England's Department of Education setting out its position on the use of generative AI in the education sector (October 2023)
Generative AI in further education and skills – the myths, the threats and the opportunities
- Association of Colleges' (UK) blog post in generative AI in FET
Generative AI in Practice
- Examples of generative AI use in UK FE colleges and universities
Getting Creative with AI
- A JISC webinar exploring exploring AI's role in creative processes, covering applications such as AI art generators, music composition, voice-over creation, writing assistance, and design tools
Hands-On AI Projects for the Classroom
- A series of guides from the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) on creating lesson plans for teaching about AI in the classroom. While aimed at second level, they can be adapted for FET classrooms
Harnessing the Power of Learning-by-Teaching with ChatGPT
- University of Kent learning technologies blog post on asking learners to ‘teach’ a concept they’ve recently studied to ChatGPT (this also works with other LLMs)
How About We Put Learning at the Center?
- An Inside Higher Education opinion piece about reconsidering and reflecting on learning in a world where generative AI exists
Jordan Booker, Uni of York, Top 5 tips, Getting Savvy
- YouTube video in which a neurodivergent student discusses how she uses ChatGPT
Maintaining quality and standards in the ChatGPT era: QAA advice on the opportunities and challenges posed by Generative Artificial Intelligence
- QAA’s (The UK's Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education) advice to universities and colleges on how to manage the rapidly increasing use of Generative Artificial Intelligence tools in higher education. The principles are also applicable to further education
Microsoft Learn - AI for Educators
- Course exploring the potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in education. It covers a brief history of AI, large language models (LLMs), generative AI, prompt engineering, responsible use of AI, and uses in a class setting
New principles on use of AI in education
- The UK's Russell Group of Universities' statement on principles of AI use
On the Limits of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education
- An article outlining some critical issues and concerns overs the use of AI in education
Open-AI-ChatGPT and Higher Ed
- A reading/resource list compiled by Librarians at Drexel University. While aimed at higher education, this is a great resource for all educators
Practical AI for Instructors and Students
- Five videos from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania that provide an overview of AI large language models for educators and students
Sentient Syllabus
- Practical education-related AI and machine learning resources, including examples of examples of assessment types and marking rubrics.
The Skinny on AI for Education
- A newsletter analysing and tracking developments in AI technology, watching what is happening with regulation and policy and discussing what all of it means for education
Student perceptions of generative AI
- This JISC report looks at how students are currently using generative AI and explores its potential impact on their learning experience.
Understanding AI for School - Tips for School Leaders
- A guide to generative AI. Though aimed at second level teachers and principals, there's some useful material here.
What can GenAI tools do well?
- A video demonstrating some of the capabilities of generative AI tools and their use in educational practice
AI in Assignment Design
- From Cornell University's Center for Teaching Innovation, a guide to help determine how to best incorporate generative AI into course assignments.
AI Use in Assessments: Protecting the Integrity of Qualifications
- The UK's Joint Council for Qualifications' advice on preventing misuse and mitigating the associated risks of generative AI
AI-resilience diagnostic for assessment tasks
- UTS tool to provide guidance on the aspects of assessment design which may make it vulnerable to cheating using generative AI
Authentic Assessment in the era of AI
- This project explores the impact of Artificial Intelligence tools and the impact they will have on assessment as well as practice and policy in UK Higher Education
The Great Assessment Rethink
- Collection of resources from Times Higher Education on assessments in the era of generative AI
Positioning assessment differently in a world of gen AI
- Part of a University of Kent webinar series, this talk looks at the issues around assessments in the age of generative AI
What to do about assessments if we can’t out-design or out-run AI?
- A summary of a guide written for University of Sydney teachers to try to futureproof assessments in the age of AI
Academic Integrity
ChatGPT and Artificial Intelligence
- QAA advice, guidance and resources for higher education professionals to adapt their teaching in light of artificial intelligence
Examples of possible academic integrity policies that address student use of generative AI tools
- From Carnegie Mellon University, a range of options one could adapt or adopt, based on their teaching context and course’s student learning objectives.
Five principles for the effective ethical use of generative AI
- Five principles fro University of Technology Sydney (UTS) to assist academics in transitioning their assessments in response to the new opportunities that generative AI opens up, as well as academic integrity challenges
Generative Artificial Intelligence: Guidelines for Educators
- QQI's National Academic integrity Network's guidelines for generative AI in education (PDF)
In the Age of ChatGPT, What’s It Like to Be Accused of Cheating?
- A summary of a study looking at the reactions of college students who have been accused of using ChatGPT to cheat.
The rise of artificial intelligence software and potential risks for academic integrity: A QAA briefing paper for higher education providers
- Outlines what these AI tools are and their potential implications for academic standards, as well as suggesting a selection of practices providers can adopt to support academic integrity.
A Toolkit for Addressing AI Plagiarism in the Classroom
- A toolkit to support classroom discussions around AI
Using AI Effectively
20 of the best ChatGPT courses you can take online for free
- Find the best free (at time of writing) online ChatGPT courses on Udemy
The Art of ChatGPT Prompting: A Guide to Crafting Clear and Effective Prompts
- eBook offering strategies for crafting compelling ChatGPT prompts (a donation is suggested to access the full book)
GenAI Chatbot Prompt Library for Educators
- A variety of prompts to help with lesson plans and administrative tasks with GenAI chatbots like ChatGPT, Claude, Bard, and Perplexity.
How to perfect your prompt writing for ChatGPT, Midjourney and other AI generators
- The Conversation's (below) guide to better prompting
Learn Prompting
- Learn how to use ChatGPT and other AI tools to accomplish your goals using a free and open source curriculum, designed for all skill levels!
Prompt Engineering
- OpenAI's guide to better prompting
Prompt Engineering for ChatGPT
- Free Coursera guide - requires sign-up
A Teacher's Prompt Guide to ChatGPT
- A short instructional teachers guide to using ChatGP
AI Tools
AI Art Apps
- The largest AI tools directory, updated daily
- A list of products powered by GPT
There's an AI for That
- Large database of over 10000 AI tools. Updated regularly
Top 35 Generative AI Tools by Category
- A listing of some AI tools with some details about each
A comprehensive AI policy education framework for university teaching and learning
- This study aims to develop an AI education policy for higher education by examining the perceptions and implications of text generative AI technologies
How to Create a Generative AI Policy (that's right for you)
- A guide meant to serve as a resource, enabling you to create a generative AI policy that is right for you and your course
Institutional AI Operational Policy Checklist
- A checklist of items to think about when crafting an AI policy for your institution. Created by JISC's National Centre for AI
Lack Of Policy Regarding Generative AI Use In Schools Places Students At Risk
- Forbes magazine article arguing that with the introduction of, and unlimited access to, generative AI, schools must quickly consider what AI literacy and acceptable use practices look like.
Principles for the Acceptable Use of Generative AI in the Assessment Process
- Hibernia College's policy for usage of generative AI tools in the assessment process and also the context for the responsible use of these tools by staff and learners
Staying Current
Blogs & News Outlets
100 Best AI Blogs and Websites
- "The best AI blogs on the web... ranked by traffic, social media followers & freshness"
AI at Meta Blog
- Stay up to date on the latest artificial intelligence news from Facebook
AI for Education blog
- Blog focussing on AI in - the rest of the site is worth a look
Artificial Intelligence
- A curated space of AI news items
Becoming Human
- "Exploring Artificial Intelligence & What it Means to be Human"
The Conversation - Articles on AI
- The Conversation is a collaboration between academics and journalists supported by a team of digital technology experts
Google AI blog
- Stories and updates on the cutting-edge work Google is doing in artificial intelligence and machine learning
- Short news items related to AI research
MIT News: Machine Learning
- AI news from MIT, a leading AI research institution
Open AI
- Updates from the company behind ChatGPT
Reddit rChatGPT
The Register - AI and Machine Learning
- UK-based technology news site
ScienceDaily Artificial Intelligence News
- AI news (or edited PR releases) from the ScienceDaily news aggregator site
Wired - AI News
- Wired is an American technology magazine
Researchers, Writers and Commentators
AI in Education Twitter Folks We All Need To Follow
- A curated list of AI-in-education "thought leaders"
Kate Crawford
- Research Professor at USC Annenberg and a scholar of the social and political implications of artificial intelligence
Cory Doctorow
- Journalist, blogger and science fiction writer. He writes commentary on aspects of the tech industry including AI
Timnit Gebru
- Former co-lead of Google's AI ethics section and founder of the Distributed Artificial Intelligence Research Institute (DAIR).
Yann LeCun
- The chief AI scientist at Meta (formerly Facebook)
Fei-Fei Li
- AI researcher and co-director of the Stanford Institute for Human-Centered AI (HAI)
Andreas Muller
- Machine learning scientist at Mixrosoft
Andrew Ng
- Co-founder of Coursera and former head of AI at Baidu and Google Brain
Toby Walsh