Business Source Elite has a very comprehensive set of help pages. Click 'Help' under 'Research Tools' in the left-hand 'column' below My Dashboard.
That will open the EBSCO help homepage.
The help pages are not specific to Business Source Elite, as all other EBSCO research databases work in the same way. So don't expect to find anything specific to Business Source Elite. That said, the pages are extremely detailed.
Click on the magnifying glass on the top right of the page to open a search box if you wish to search for a specific topic.
EBSCO offers regular webinars on using their products. The calendar is available here. Note that EBSCO offer a wide variety of products, hence relevant webinars may be a while to come around.
EBSCOhost Research Database Tutorials
EBSCO Information Services YouTube Channel
EBSCO Tutorials YouTube Channel