ProQuest Education Database: Publications
Instead of searching for items, you can browse or search the publications covered by Education Database. Let's look at the publications search

- Search box - enter your search query here
- Choose to search
- Anywhere in title
- Beginning of title
- In Publication Summary (9 below)
- Subject
- Search Limiters
- Total number of publications covered by the database
- View publication summary (9 below) or just the publication title
- View only the publications that have full-text available
- View titles beginning with a specific letter or number
- Source type identifier
- Publication summary - contains
- Link to publication page
- Full-text coverage dates (if available)
- Full-text embargo/delay time
- Citation/abstract coverage dates
- Publisher
- ISSN (International Standard Serial Number - a unique identifying number for publications)
- Place of publication
If you browse or search publications, then do take note of full-text and citation/abstract coverage dates.
Each publication has its own page from where you can search or browse individual issues and read articles.

- Publication title and publisher
- Search for articles within this publication
- Source type
- Select issue to view
- Search for articles within an issue
- Tick box to select all articles (for use with 12 below)
- Tick box to select an individual article
- Individual article record - click title to go to article page
- Advanced search option
- Publication options:
- Copy the URL to save a permanent link to the publication page
- Create an alert to receive an email when a new issue is available or new full-text is available
- Create an RSS feed for this publication
- Go to previous or next issue
- Actions you can take with selected items
Create a citation record for the item to include in your reference list
Send the item by email
Save the item to My Research
All save options (include print item)
- Show item abstract.