Further Education and Training Activity January 2021
Further to this, note that Leaving Certificate and Leaving Certificate Applied students in FET are to have the same provisions as school applied. As such, further to the Government announcement 06/01/2021, all tuition including Leaving Certificate and LCA will move to being primarily online in FET.
FET Implementation Guidelines 2020
FET Learner Induction (Word Document)
FET Learner Induction as Gaeilge (Word Document)
DDLETB: Managing a COVID19 Outbreak in a School (PDF)
DDLETB: Managing a COVID19 Outbreak in a School:Tips for Principals (Word)
Public Health Offices Contact Details: Outbreak in a School (PDF)
Public Health Department email addresses for COVID-19 queries (Word)
FET Sector COVID-19 Pathway Data and Referral Template (Excel spreadsheet)