Session 6: Introduction to Academic Integrity in the FET Context and Blended Learning policy
5 Ways to Include Academic Integrity in Your Institution’s Strategic Plan
- From Turnitin, a discussion of how academic integrity supports the common components of an institutional strategic plan.
Impact of academic integrity on workplace ethical behaviour
- Exploring the relationship between academic integrity and ethical behaviour, particularly workplace behaviour
A systematic review of academic dishonesty in online learning environments
- A systematic study of academic dishonesty in online learning environments to delineate its trends, uncovering potential areas for further research
Ensuring Academic Integrity Among Nursing Students
- Blog post stressing the importance of upholding a commitment to academic standards
Academic Integrity in Remote, Online, or In-Person Classes
- YouTube video covering academic integrity for all subjects and grade levels.
Academic Integrity
- Another YouTube video, on cheating and academic integrity
Session 7: Academic Integrity: FET Learner-Centred Concepts and Blended Learning Policy
10 Online Tools and Resources That Support Academic Honesty
- A list of 10 edtech tools below that can help promote academic honesty while fitting nicely into daily routines and improving the quality of educational efforts
Practices to Support Developing Academic Integrity in Secondary School Students (Handbook of Academic Integrity)
- Guiding policy and practices in support of developing academic integrity in high school students but could be extended to FET. Note full-text NOT currently available, but for possible access, contact the library.
Resources to Support Academic Integrity
- Harvard Summer School's guidelines, resources, and tips to help produce work with academic integrity.
Using Digital Tools to Develop and Enhance Learning & Literacy Skills
- Digital tools for enhancing academic learning from the National Behaviour Support Service
Working With Academic Literacies: Case Studies Towards Transformative Practice
- Open access ebook exploring what it means to adopt an "academic literacies" approach in policy and pedagogy. Transformative practice is illustrated through case studies and critical commentaries from teacher-researchers
Three Things Your Students Don't Know About Academic Integrity
- Blog post (Internet Archive version) from Turnitin stating three things that learners may not know about academic integrity:
Session 8: Assessment, Reflective Practice and Blended Learning Policy
Students reflecting on learning
- Professor Paul Black's (King's College London Emeritus Professor of Science Education) advice on how to involve learners in reflective practice
NCCA Workshop: students reflecting on their learning
- One of a series of booklets aimed at developing assessment practice for teachers in Ireland
The Blended Reflective Inquiry Educators Framework; origins, development and utilisation
- Designed for educators who wish to support students to develop their reflective abilities and reflective capacity. Contact library for access
Referencing: ETBI Digital Library
- The referencing section of the digital library with some links and resources
Referencing Handbook for the Further Education and Training Sector
- This handbook aims to assist FET learners (and teachers) in improving their understanding of referencing and their referencing skills
The Spotlight Challenge
- Students are given the challenge to design an oral presentation that showcases what they have chosen to spotlight for their peers, adaptable for: developing reporting and reflective skills and engaging with technology.
How To Apply Reflective Practice when Teaching Online
- A few simple ways to apply reflective practice in your online settings.
Effective Grading : A Tool for Learning and Assessment in College
- A proven hands-on guide for evaluating student work, offers an in-depth examination of the link between teaching and grading. Login required
Digital Learning Resources in FE Teaching Toolkit
- This (JISC, UK) Toolkit offers support and guidance on how FE teaching practitioners can use digital learning resources effectively to enhance learning and teaching (Web Archive version).
DigCompEdu resources
- Support resources for the EU's Digital Competence Framework for Educators
The Educator's Guide to FlipGrid
- eBook guide to get you more comfortable using Flipgrid in your classroom and promote more student voice and choice in sharing
FlipGrid Student Guide
- A getting started guide for students
Session 9: Study Skills & Blended Learning Policy Context (1)
QUT: CiteWrite
- Queensland University of Technology's guide to citing, referencing and academic writing
Academic Writing: ETBI Digital Library
- The library's academic writing section
Evaluating Information Source: ETBI Digital Library
- How to critically evaluate information sources and recognise fake news
Media Literacy Series: Disinformation, Fake News and Privacy
- YouTube playlist from Ricardo Castellini Da Silva, a media literacy educator
View and Navigate Your Assignment (Student)
- Microsoft Teams for Education Support guide to viewing assignments in Teams
Master In-Demand Professional Soft Skills
- LinkedIn Learning course on essential soft skills
AbelNet Professional Development Webinars
- Free webinars on accessibility, literacy, numeracy and study tools
Access and Inclusion through Technology: News
- A round up of news and views from the world of assistive and accessible technology
What is Assistive Technology?
- introduction to assistive technology and links to resources
Session 10: Summary - Study Skills & Blended Learning Policy Context (2)
Tips and Strategies for Study Success
- A YouTube playlist from Cornell University's Learning Strategies Centre
Study Skills Resources (Internet Archive)
- Good collection of resources from St. Paul's College
- Site providing study guides - with an emphasis on literature. Has a teachers' section
Junior Cycle for Teachers: Third Year Study Guide
- Example of a study skills support matrix & reflection guide
Study Skills
- Generic study skills advice – appropriate to learners across all disciplines and in different life circumstances: full and part-time students, those returning to education later in life, those engaged in professional development and anybody who wants to learn how to learn effectively.
Integrating Thinking and Learning Skills Across the Curriculum
- Book chapter by Ackerman and Perkins (p77). Assesses the potential of integrating thinking and learning skills across the curriculum. When, how, and why might we cultivate such an approach to integration? What are its promises and its pitfalls
10 Best Study Apps for Students
- 10 of the best study apps to help you make flashcards, mind maps, create citations and work efficiently