Session 11: Models of Professional Development for Educators
Microsoft Education: Calendar of webinars, training, and events
- Find live and on-demand training, webinars, and events
Open Courses
- Engage in professional development, gain recognition and enhance your teaching practice with open courses and digital badge awards endorsed by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
A Beginner's Guide to Open Badges
- A beginner's guide to badges, offering answers to the what, how, when, and why of digital badging
Prevalence of Coaching and Approaches to Supporting Integrating Micro-credentials into Professional Learning: Lessons from Five Districts
- Experiences and insights from educators and administrators as their districts integrated micro-credentials in support of professional learning
FESS CPD Calendar
- The Further Education Support Service calendar of events to support those working in the FET environment
Standards for Professional Learning
- American resource for practitioners involved in organising, facilitating, designing and/ or coordinating training, with practical activities
25+ of the Best Free CPD Resources for Teachers (Internet Archive)
- Another list of CPD resources
PDST Digital Technologies Team: Blended Learning: Primary Resource Overview
- Includes various Blended instruction models (Enriched virtual, flipped classroom etc.).
Session 12: UDL in Blended Learning Contexts
Getting started with Universal Design for Learning
- Use these three UDL principles adapted from CAST when you’re planning a lesson, daily routine or activity for your students
AHEAD: UDL for FET Resource Hub
- Key UDL for FET project output which provides guidance for FET practitioners on the implementation of UDL
UDL Guidelines - The Principles in Practice
- A quiz tool from AHEAD that will help you to reflect on your own practice and gives you your 'UDL Score'
UDL & the Continuum of Supports
- AHEAD graphic showing the varying levels of support required as a pyramid. As practitioners, the aim should be to move supports as low down the pyramid as possible
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK): Content and Technology Integration
- Article describing work aiming to combine universal design with learning (UDL) and technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) for technology integration enabled to benefit diverse learners. Contact library for access
ETBI Digital Library UDL Resources
- The digital library UDL section, which includes various UDL webinars and presentations
CAST: Free Webinars
- CAST is a non-profit education research and development organization that created the Universal Design for Learning framework and UDL Guidelines. CAST offers free webinars t that focus on a variety of topics related to UDL and learning such as learner variability, lesson design, UDL implementation, and more.
DCU UDL Toolkit
- A toolkit to help staff engage to with Universal Design for Learning principles in their learning and assessment through the Virtual Learning Environment (Moodle)
MoodleMunch S2 Webinar 04 - a. Implementing UDL principles | b. Integrating O365, Teams and Moodle
- Recording of a webinar in which DCU presented its use of a toolkit to apply UDL principles in practice
5 Examples of Universal Design for Learning in the Classroom
- A few examples of how UDL can work in a classroom.
Designing Inclusive Apprenticeships and Pre-Apprenticeships
- Slides from a presentation on how intensive career pathways programs, program designers, instructors, and mentors can and do support inclusive and accessible apprenticeship and pre-apprenticeship participants
Universal Design for Learning (UDL) – Implications for Guidance
- From the NCGE, A guidance perspective on the significant developments in the recognition, adoption, implications and opportunities suggested by the adoption of the principles of Universal Design in education, career development, and societal contexts
Universal Design for Learning in Career and Technical Education
- Webinar recording exploring implementing UDL in a CTE classroom
9 Free UDL Resources Every Teacher Should Know About
Session 13: Summary - Universal Design in Practice (Professional Development)
Universal Design for Learning Universal Design: A Best Practice Guideline
- Enabling users to embrace Universal Design and Universal Design for Learning as the best concept for a flexible, creative and inclusive learning environment for the benefit of all learners and giving users the theory, perspectives and practical tools to challenge and change every day working methods
About Universal Design for Learning
- CAST's introduction to UDL
Universal Design for Learning: Recommendations for Teacher Preparation and Professional Development
- Article presenting an innovation configuration matrix that can guide teacher preparation professionals in the development of appropriate UDL content
Starting Small with UDL
- Template for implementation steps and considerations
Identity Charts
- Identity charts are a graphic tool that can help students consider the many factors that shape who we are as individuals and as communities.
Innovate Inside the Box: Empowering Learners Through UDL and the Innovator’s Mindset (ebook)
- Insight on creating purposeful learning opportunities for all students. Login requited- contact the library
Establishing and sustaining national partnerships in professional development and the recognition of open courses in teaching and learning through digital badges
- Discusses the scalable design and development of a suite of open-access professional development (PD) courses in teaching and learning in Ireland
Getting Started with Professional Development – PACT
- This open course is designed to place you on a professional development pathway, and is setting you up for your completing a PD portfolio for the future
Session 14: Programme Development Context in Blended Learning Policy
Free Blended Learning with Google Toolkit
- Helping you choose the best Google tools to support Dynamic Learning in your classroom. Name and email address required for download
Digital Learning Toolkit: Resources for Successful Online Teaching
- Learn how you can devise and lead a digital learning experience with the help of these online teaching tools and resources on this free course from FutureLearn/Eindhoven University of Technology
Digital Learning Resources Matrix
- May be of interest in relation to online learning and delivery infrastructure and resource planning, specifically for those involved in learning engagement tools, software enhancement and digital productivity aids
Guidelines for Good Practice in Designing a Blended Module in Blackboard
- A guide from UCD - can be applied to Moodle
Research Report on State of the Art in Blended Learning and Innovation
- EU EMBED project report, includes a section on programme design
DCU University Document Hierarchy
- DCU Policy hierarchies: a model for policy writing and design
IICP Blended Learning Policy
- Example of a college blended learning policy
Blended and Online Learning Curriculum Design Toolkit
- La Trobe University's resources for the design or redesign of a course and/or subject to embed flexible, online or blended learning activities or assessments
Blended Learning Toolkit
- A free, open repository of information, resources, models, and research related to blended learning from the University of Central Florida
A case study of blended teaching and learning in a New Zealand secondary school, using an ecological framework
- A case study that investigated how blended teaching and learning was implemented in a New Zealand secondary school
Session 15: Summary - Monitoring in an Online Space
Salmon Five-Stage Model
- The five-stage-model provides a framework or scaffold for a structured and paced programme of online activities. Professor Gilly Salmon describes the model in a short YouTube video
The Five-Stage Mode
- Professor Salmon's website
Mapping Student Learning Journeys using Google Sites!
- How teachers can facilitate students to explore and discover more to help enable them to construct their own journey using Google Sites
Guide to Monitoring eLearning Programs
- An overview of Intel's standard research design and toolkit for monitoring elearning
Everything you ever wanted to know about Microsoft Power BI
- Using Power Bi for data collation and management
Microsoft Azure Fundamentals: Describe Core Azure Concepts
- a six-part Microsoft series on basic cloud concepts which could be applied in class monitoring
Microsoft Cloud for Healthcare
- An example of using the cloud for monitoring
DIAMOND: A tool for monitoring the participation of students in online lectures
- A 'novel system for monitoring students' participation during online sessions that are conducted via a virtual classroom tool'. Of particular relevance to this session are pp. 7-10 and 12-15.
Developing Enabling QA Frameworks for Blended Learning
- Article from Ireland's Education Yearbook suggesting areas for providers to focus on as they continue to develop the capacity of their QA frameworks to support the delivery of blended learning
9 Ways to Assess Student Learning Online, including instructional design
- Different ways to assess student learning using technology
Interventions & Progress Monitoring Toolkit: Free Templates
- Data tracking templates, planning worksheets, and progress monitoring forms to help you build an intervention menu and write student intervention plans.
Panorama Education: Thriving Schools Summit
- Featuring some very useful topics: ‘Practical Trauma-Informed Strategies to Reduce Anxiety in Students’, ‘Creating a Shared Understanding & Partnering with Families to Support the Social-Emotional Growth of Students’, ‘School Counsellors as Leaders within a Multi-Tiered, Multi-Domain System of Support. Registration required to view recordings