Time Management: Links and Resources
A short guide to managing your time
How to Set Smart Goals
This video provides an overview of the SMART goals principles
How to Stop Procrastinating
Animated 5 minute video detailing three steps you can take to stop procrastinating
Dealing With Digital Distractions
Tips and tools from the University of North Carolina to help you minimise distractions
Eisenhower's Urgent/Important Principle
An article about the time management matrix
Goals and Priorities
Book chapter (from Academic Success t which is worth a look) on setting meaningful goals and priorities
The Lie of Working Better Under Pressure
Article about research that found that you probably don't work better under pressure, actually
From Psychology Today magazine, an article on the basics of procrastination
7 Ways to Stay Motivated
Nice infographic about motivation - with some time management tips
10 Time Management Tips That Work
According to Entrepreneur magazine.
20 Quick Tips for Better Time Management
From Lifehack, a website offering tips on how to be more productive (but don't worry about that, use these tips to better manage your time!)
Time Management for Busy Students
Free ebook written by Kwantlen Polytechnic University (Canada) Learning Centre
Note: Don't use apps just for the sake of using them. If you're more comfortable using pen and paper, then do so!
Firefox extension which you can use to manually track where you spend time
Cold Turkey
A very powerful website blocker. Come in both free and subscription varieties - the "freemium" model
Can't stop scrolling? Have trouble focusing? Use Forest, a timer which helps you beat procrastination and boost productivity
Leech Block NG
Firefox extension designed to block those all those time-wasting sites you spend time on
Microsoft To Do
Microsoft task management web app (also available for Apple and Android devices)
8 Website Blockers For Studying, Productivity, & Focus
A listing of some apps - some free - that block websites, or the whole Internet, so you can focus on your work
15 Best Time Management Apps and Tools (2023 Updated)
If you want to look at an app that will help you manage your time better, here's a list of apps that might help you with the most common challenges of managing time.
Remember the Milk
Well-respected time management app
My Study Life
Available for Android, IOS & Web/Desktop: This is an online student planner enables you to keep track of all your classes, tasks, assignments and exams
Chrome Extension equivalent of Leech Block above
Time Tracker
Chrome extension for keeping track of how much time you spend on web sites
Tomato Clock
Browser extension for managing your productivity. by breaking down your work into 25-minute Pomodoro intervals