Instead of searching for items, you can browse or search the publications covered by Vocational Studies Complete. The Publications page is available as a link (Publications) on the advanced search page
There are two search boxes on the Publications page, the first is a regular search, the second is for searching for publication titles. There are three search options for searching publications:
Below the search options are links to titles beginning with that letter. Click on J for example to see a list of all titles beginning with the letter "J"
Tick the box next to the title to add the journal to a Vocational Source Complete search (Mark items for Search)
An alphabetical list of publications follows the search options. Click the title to see the publication information page. Below the title is indicated whether full-text or bibliographic records are available, along with the coverage dates.
When you click on the title, you'll see a page like this
This page contains:
On the right of the page is an expandable menu of title coverage - click on a year to see all issues published in that year and click on an issue to see the items in that issue