Vocational Studies Complete: Search Results
The search results page contains a lot of information, let's break that down.

Each numbered red box contains different information. Let's go through them in order:
- The left-hand column is all about refining/filtering/limiting results, but you can click on the carets (<<) to hide this column
- The current search details
- The various limiters that you can use (some limiters are more useful than others!):
- Full-text - limit to results where the full-text of the article is present
- Peer Reviewed - limit your results to only those which have been peer-reviewed, so, scholarly material only
- Image Quick View - limit your results to those articles that have image thumbnails available, and you can further limit by type of image
- Publication Date - limit your results to those published between certain dates
- Source Types
- Search only specific information source type e.g., books, magazines, trade publications.
- Subject - limit by subject keywords (that might not be in the thesaurus, for instance the authors might supply their own keywords) and phrases used to describe the content of the item
- Publication - limit results to a specific publication
- Publisher - limit results to publications from a specific publisher
- Company - limit results to those that mention a specific company
- Language - limit results to a specific language
- Search result numbers
- Article information
- A link to full-text if it is available
- Article source type
- Customisation
- Sort by
- Relevance (default) - what EBSCO thinks are the most relevant results to your search appear first
- Publication Date (newest first or oldest first)
- Author (alphabetically)
- Page Options
- Article information display options
- Image quick view on/off
- Results per page
- Page layout
- Share Results
- Add results to folder
- Save search to folder
- Create an alert to be informed when new search results are added to Vocational Studies Complete
- Create a permanent link to the search
- More functions
- Click on the magnifying glass icon to see more item detail

- Click on the folder icon to add item to your folder
Full-Text is an important limiter because if you don't use it, you'll see lots of results where there's just the detail page with title and abstract only. If you want to read the whole of an article that's one of your search results, tick the Full-Text box to ensure that all results have the full text available.
If you are looking for scholarly/academic sources (and this may be specified in your coursework/assignment instructions), tick the Peer-Review box to make sure that all your results come from scholarly information sources.