You can set up a personal account to use with EBSCO databases
A personal account lets you:
All these are saved in a personal folder that is stored online and accessible from any device once you sign in.
To create and use a personal MyEBSCO folder account, you must allow cookies to be stored by your browser.
To create a personal account, click the 'My EBSCO' link on the top right of the page
This opens a box where you can sign in to your account, create an account or change your preferences (the only preference available to change is your language, which is not advisable if you only speak English).
If you have a Google account, you can use that to sign-in. Click the 'Continue with Google' button and follow the prompts. Otherwise, to create an account enter your first name, your email and create a password, taking note of the stated password requirements.
You need to agree to the collection of personalised data to continue. If you don't, you cannot create an account. Personal data collected includes:
If in doubt, you can read EBSCO's privacy policy
The left-hand column - under My Dashboard shows some links that are only really relevant to you if you have a MyEBSCO account