There is a search box on the homepage, the page you see after you login.
Basic Searching
Enter your search term(s) in the search box and click the Search button.
Your search term can be, well, anything
- Part of the author's name
- Part of the title
- A keyword that describes the subject or content of the book
- A phrase that appears in the text of the book (use quotation marks "" for this)
As you start typing you may see, just like Google, suggested searches appear below the search box. These may give you some ideas for different search terms.
Search Options
Also below the search box, is a link 'Search Options'. Click on this to reveal a large number of options you can use to fine tune your search
These options are:
Search Modes and Expanders
- Boolean/Phrase (default) - supports any Boolean searching or exact phrase searching
- Find all my search terms - A Boolean AND search
- Find any of my search terms - A Boolean OR search
- SmartText Searching - You can copy and paste large chunks of text to search for results and behind the scenes EBSCO WILL convert your text into what it thinks are the best search terms to use
- Apply related words - Let EBSCO include in your search plurals and what it thinks are synonyms of your search terms
- Also search within the full-text of the article - as it says, search in full-text as well as title, abstract, keywords etc.
- Apply equivalent subjects - Let EBSCO include in your search subject terms that are related to your search terms (Q. What does "apply equivalent subject terms" mean on a search results page?)
Limit Your Results
- Full-Text - limit your results to only those for which the full-text of the article is available
- Publication Date - limit your results to those published between certain dates
- Cover story - limit your results to those articles that were featured as cover stories
- ISBN - Search for a specific ISBN
- Download available - limit your results to those ebooks that can be downloaded, as opposed to only read online
- Author - search for a specific author
- Title - search for a specific title
- Lexile Reading Level - search for books by the level of their reading complexity (the higher the score, the more complex the book)
Advanced Searching
The advanced search function is very powerful. You can use it to create structured queries, where you apply limiters before searching instead of after
You can choose a specific field in which to search. Though some fields are perhaps more useful than others. You are perhaps unlikely to use an ISBN as a search term.
You can search in multiple fields using the Boolean Operators AND, OR and NOT to combine search terms. For example, you could search for Kelly (Author) AND Toxic Chemicals (Title). Field searching and Boolean Operators are a very powerful combination but might be tricky to get right.
Advanced searching shows the hidden basic search options (the section Search Options, above as standard), but includes two other options:
- Excluded abridged versions - limit to full version of books only, excluding shortened versions
- Language - only search for books in a specified language (English perhaps?)
On the home page you can search, or you can browse categories. Below the search box, there is a row of highlighted ebooks. You can scroll lo the left and to the right by clicking on the arrows that appear to the left and right of the books
Not visible in the image above is a row of books below Highlights, Featured eBooks, which shows books in a random category. The highlights and the featured category are changed every time you access the page
On the left of the page is a column, search by category. Click on a category show all books in that particular category.