On the ProQuest interface, AVON has a Google-like search box where you enter your search terms
In the search box, type your search terms and click the magnifying glass to the right of the search box to search.
Like Google, Academic Video Online can offer suggestions as you type.
To switch off these suggestions, click on 'Turn off autocomplete' at the bottom of the suggestion list. The list of suggestions may be helpful to you by providing new search ideas or different ways of phrasing your search, but it is your decision.
Below the magnifying glass is a Search tips link. Click on that to open a box that will have some advice, tips and help with searching Academic Video Online
Search engines and some other searchable resources often have a list of stop words, common words like "the" or "and" that are ignored when searching. Academic Video Online does not have a list of stop words, so if you search for fish and chips, you will get all records contains the words 'fish' and 'and' and 'chips', instead of items that contain the phrase "fish and chips", so if you're searching for a phrase, use quotation marks around it/