There is a search box on the homepage, the page you see after you login.
Enter your search term(s) in the search box and click the Search button.
Your search term can be
The search results page looks like this
Each red box describes a different section of the page.
In the left-hand column is a series of filters that you can use to refine the number of search results. This really only needs to be used if you have too many results - which shouldn't be an issue as you can only search for books owned by the digital library.
This gives the number of search results and the option to save or edit the search. Clicking Edit will take you to the Advanced Search page (described below). Clicking Save opens a box that gives you the option to save the search or have the search run automatically and the results sent to you by email
If you save the search, it can be accessed via the Search Page
This offers a couple of display options
The actual search results. Clicking on the title will take you to the book detail page. Clicking on the authors, the publisher or the ISBNs will open a new page of search results for the authors, publishers or ISBNs.
These buttons appear across from the book title. Clicking them does the following:
Download the ebook
Read online
Go to the book detail page
Add to bookshelf
Below the search box is a link to an advanced search page. This has more options than the basic search.
You can choose to search a variety of different fields including:
Other, more obscure fields can be searched; book classification codes and headings.
You can also search for all words ("Contains"} or for phrases ("Matches"). For example, if you search for
Contains the quick brown fox
The results will contain all books that have the words "the", "quick", "brown" and "fox" in them.
If you search for
Matches the quick brown fox
The results will contain all books that contain the phrase "the quick brown fox".
On the right of the page, there are a number of options to limit the number of results:
There is a link below the search box to browse the different subjects of ebooks owned by the digital library.
Clicking on a subject takes you to a search results page for that subject.
In addition to the search box on the home page, there is a separate search page, a link to which appears on the top right of the ebook Central homepage. You can access your saved searches from here