While PressReader will recognise if you're viewing the site on a mobile device and optimise the layout for mobile display, there's also a PressReader app available for Apple and Android devices. Click on the appropriate image to download the app
There is also a link for you to be sent a text to your phone with a download link
You might have signed-in to the PressReader website on your mobile device and then downloaded the app. You are not signed-in to the app, however. That requires a separate process. On the app homepage, tap on the Sign In icon at the bottom of the page.
On the next page, tap on Libraries and Groups
Then tap on Select Library or Group
You will see a list of libraries with a search box at the top
Tap on Search Libraries or Groups and type ETBI
Tap on ETBI then tap Sign In
Tapping on Sign-In takes you to the PressReader page in the Library Resources section. If you haven't accessed this page on your device before, you'll need to enter the password.
Once you enter the password or have visited the page on your device before, you will see this page. Because the page is optimised for display on mobile devices, it'll look like this
Scroll down to the content and tap on the access PressReader link above. You will be signed into PressReader although you may not see any notification until you select a publication to read.