PressReader: Quick Guide
Browse the catalogue (spelled "Catalog") by clicking on the publication category, scrolling or swiping, or clicking the arrows at each side of the page.
Click the magnifying glass on the top right of the page to enter search terms and find relevant articles. The advanced search option allows use to filter by:
- language
- publication
- author
- date
You can also choose some keyword searching options:
- all the words - search for articles containing all of the words in your search
- at least one of the words - search for articles containing at least one of words in your search
- the exact phrase - search for articles containing the exact phrasing of your search
- without the words - search for articles that don't contain a specified word
PressReader App
There is an PressReader app for mobile devices that can be downloaded from the App Store or Google Play. You need to sign in to the app to access it
- Tap on sign in at the bottom of the page
- Tap on Library or Group login
- Search for ETBI
- Tap on ETBI
- Tap on Sign In
- Follow the steps in Access, above