Literacy Resources: Family Learning
Family learning encourages family members to learn together as, and within, a family, with activities that can also be designed to help parents to better support their children’s learning.
At Home with Family Learning (pdf)
- Fun and useful ways to improve reading, writing and maths skills for all
SOLAS Family Literacy Practice in ETBs: Guidelines, Case Studies and Recommendations
- Guidelines, case studies and recommendations on supporting family literacy in ETBs
Family Learning
- Useful resources and ideas to support family learning
Campaign for Learning: Learning Resources (Internet Archive)
- Campaign for Learning is a UK organisation that works for social inclusion through learning. This is their resources section
Family Learning Festival: Pinterest Board
- Fun learning activities to do with your family at home (the family learning festival is coordinated by the Campaign for Learning).
Help My Kid Learn
- Developed by NALA, this website is full of fun activities that parents can do with their children to help develop their literacy and numeracy.
Mifamily Project
- Mifamily is an EU supported project looking at using family learning to help migrant families engage with the education of their children. The MiFamily Online Digital Database (archived version) is a collection of practices, projects, policies, methodologies, approaches, resources and tools to support Family Learning methods
MiFamily Learning Handbook
- A reference document providing practical guidelines and recommendations on the school integration of migrant students through family learning methods
Family Learning/Limerick Clare ETB-shared resources
Clare Family Learning was created in response to parents attending adult literacy classes asking for help with their children’s homework. The organisation supports parents who want to help their children’s developing literacy and numeracy skills
Clare Family Learning Project
- An introduction to and description of the Clare Family Learning Project
Connecting Family Learning and Active Citizenship
- The work of the FACE-IT (Families and Active Citizenship Education – an Integrated Training) project, linking family learning and active citizenship
Roma Families Learning
- Describes a project to support families in valuing the importance of parental involvement in children’s education
Addressing Intergenerational Disadvantage Through Family Learning
- Another article describing the work of the Family Learning group
Traveller Learners Succeed Through Family Learning
- Reflections on the Family Learning project work with travellers
My Baby and Me Evaluation 2018
- An evaluation of the ‘My Baby and Me’ pilot project
UNESCO Case Study: Clare Family Learning, Ireland
- Case Study of the Clare Family Learning work on the UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning effective practices database