Literacy Resources: Sectoral Resources
Adult Learning Lessons - Tipperary ETB
- A page of links to TETB-developed resources including:
- Learn Online is a resource to support reading, writing, listening, comprehension and vocabulary development.
- Homophones Videos and Activities: short video lessons on using words that sound the same but have different meanings and spellings.
Bray and Wicklow Adult Learning Centres: Learn at Home
- Reading and writing activities developed by tutors at KWETB
CDETB Literacy Worksheets
Donegal ETB: Level 1 Core Skills
- Elementary reading, writing, listening and speaking lessons
Donegal ETB Little Lessons in Spelling, Grammar & Basic IT Series 1
- A series of short spelling, grammar and basic IT videos developed by Donegal ETB' Further Education and Training (FET) Service.
Donegal ETB Little Lessons in Spelling, Grammar & Basic IT Series 2
- The second series of Donegal ETB' Further Education and Training (FET) Service spelling, grammar and basic IT videos
Donegal ETB Spelling and Grammar Lessons
- A series of lessons to help with common spelling and grammar mistakes
English Writing Tips
- This is a Moodle course developed by GRETB that is suitable for native English speakers and advanced ESOL learners looking to improve their English writing skills. The course can be copied and/or copied and repurposed for use in another ETB with attribution to GRETB. Short introductory video:
To use the course in Moodle:
- Download the file (click the
- Log into your Moodle Site
- Open a Moodle course
- As a teacher or admin, select the gear icon on the right-hand side of the course window and select 'Restore'
- Choose the Moodle course backup file or drag and drop into the file upload area and once the file has uploaded select 'Restore'
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'Continue'
- Locate or search for the category you want to restore the course into, select it and select 'Continue'
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'Next'
- You have an opportunity to rename the course name and course short name and course start date or leave as is
- Select 'Next'
- Scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'Perform Restore'
- Wait for the restore process to complete and select 'Continue'
You have now successfully restored the course and are ready to enrol teachers and learners
Fifty Pages: Basic English Grammar
- GRETB grammar guide aimed at those learning English as a second language and adult learners
Getting to Grips With Technology
GRETB Literacy eBooks
GRETB Adult Basic Education YouTube Playlists
- Audiobooks and Level 1 audio workbooks for adult learners
GRETB ESOL YouTube Playlists
- Audio books aimed at people learning English as a second language but also useful for adult learners
Sound Out (Tipperary ETB)
- Sound Out is an app developed by experienced adult literacy professionals at TETB for adult learners. Phonics involves matching sounds of spoken English with individual letters or groups of letters. This app uses a phonics approach to teaching reading, encouraging the identification and use of sounds of individual letters and blends of letters, to read words. You can use the app at your own pace. Download from
Two Videos introducing the App:
Short Intro
Full Intro
Tipperary Adult Literacy Service Annual 2022
- Stories of life, learning and literacy programmes across Tipperary
What's the story?
- Developed by GRETB, this web app is designed to help you practise rebuilding a text by guessing the words. Each text has a short description beside it to help you get started (Link updated July 2022)
Writing manual for students on Level 4 and Level 5 Courses
- GRETB workbook intended to help Level 4 and Level 5 students improve their Improve their grammar, punctuation and essay writing skills