Literacy Resources: Web Resources
Alison - English courses
- Alison is a free online learning resource for basic and essential skills. These are their English courses.
- Useful site with many courses and resources, including videos
A to Z Teacher Stuff
- A teacher-created site with many resources (American)
BBC Skillswise English
- Free videos and downloadable worksheets to help adult learners improve their reading, writing, spelling and grammar
Beating Dyslexia
- A website created by three dyslexic adults to help others overcome their literacy difficulties, gain qualifications and function successfully in the workplace
Breaking News English
- Current events and news articles aimed at those learning English as a second language but useful for adult learners too. Also contains quizzes and other activities to practice listening, reading, grammar, vocabulary, and spelling.
British Council - LearnEnglish
- Although this is for learners of English, this site contains useful and helpful material
Busy Teacher
- Free printable worksheets and lesson plans for teaching English (American site)
- A useful resource for English learners with an online dictionary and thesaurus, translation tool and interactive games
- An American site offering thousands of free pages with social skills and behavioural regulation activities and guidance, learning songs and games, communication cards, academic material, and transition guides for employment and life skills
Education and Trainging Foundation
- Interactive literacy resources covering a wide range of activities (such as reading signs and understanding forms)
English for Everyone
- Skill building resources geared towards a range of English ability levels
GCF Global Reading Tutorials
- Tutorials from a global education charity
- Preschool education site aimed at parents but many of the available resources may be useful for literacy level 1 learners
How to Spell
- Here to help you learn, improve, or teach spelling with free lessons and exercises
NALA - Better Handwriting for Adults
- For adults who would like to improve their handwriting, adults who don’t write often or are unhappy with the way their handwriting looks.
NALA - Brushing Up
- YouTube playlist of short videos made by NALA to help you improve your spelling, grammar and punctuation
NALA: The Distance Learner
- A practical and topical worksheet for literacy and numeracy students
NALA - Getting Started in Adult Literacy and Numeracy A Tutor Training Resource Pack
- A guide for literacy and numeracy tutors with ideas and suggestions for lesson plans
NALA - Guidelines on the Inclusion of People with Intellectual Disabilities in Adult Literacy Services
- An overview of national and international equality legislation and suggested guidelines for inclusive practice in the context of working with people with intellectual disabilities
NALA: Making Cents – A tutor’s guide to financial literacy
- A NALA resource and support for literacy tutors to enhance literacy skills and increase awareness of financial literacy. Although aimed at tutors, it can be used by everybody to help with managing money and making sense of financial products and services
NALA - A Plain English Guide to Financial Terms
- Financial terms and ideas explained and defined in plain English
NALA Putting Pen to Paper
- A writing workbook with tips and ideas for basic writing skills including exercises. The workbook can be used on your own or with the support of a tutor
NALA: The Really Useful Guide to Words and Numbers
- For adults who want to brush up on their reading, writing, spelling and numbers skills
NALA - Safe and Well
- A workbook, produced by FÁS and the National Adult Literacy Agency, with the support of the Health and Safety Authority, dealing with health and safety issues
NALA - Steps to Safety
- A workbook of exercises designed for students to improve their reading and writing skills through a workplace theme
NALA Write On: A Learning Support Journal
- Information about going back to learning, improving your skills, a personal dictionary and a learning journal.
National Educational Psychological Service - Effective Interventions for Struggling Readers
- A guide aiming to help teachers by sharing information about evidence-based approaches to teaching reading to struggling readers
News in Levels
- Another site offering current affairs and news written simply for English learners
OpenLearn Everyday English
- Free online courses for anyone wanting to improve their everyday literacy skills, developed by the Open University
Reading Skills for Today's Adults
- American site with lots of easy reading stories at a variety of levels with questions and supplemental material
- A site that helps you read better and develop your vocabulary by simplifying complex English into more easily understood pieces
SENTeacher - Printable Literacy Resources
- Free resources from a special needs education site
- A comprehensive site of activities, techniques, and materials for teaching literacy
Simple Wikipedia
- A version of Wikipedia written in plainer and simpler English aimed at students, children, adult learners, and people who are trying to learn English
Skills Workshop
- British site offering free adult literacy, numeracy and functional skills resources
Super Teacher Worksheets
- American site offering printable worksheets & activities for literacy and numeracy. Membership required for full access but many free worksheets
The Teachers Corner
- Free resources for teachers and parents
Teaching English - Teaching Resources
- English resources for teaching English to primary, secondary and adult learners from the British Council's online teaching community
- American site - worth a look at the engaging videos about reading that cover topics like reading newspapers, reading poems, summarising and even reading medicine labels
Understanding Your Bills
- Not a literacy resource as such, but many companies have a page on their website where they explain how to read and understand your bill. Pages may contain sample bills and/or videos that explain what all the bits of your bill mean
Understanding Your Payslip
- Page from explaining the terms you’ll find on a standard Irish payslip
Write and Improve
- Practice and improve your writing skills, using new technology developed at the University of Cambridge to mark English writing accurately, in seconds(!)