This Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) toolkit has been developed by the Further Education and Training (FET) Service of Donegal Education and Training Board and the Further Education and Training (FET) Division of Limerick and Clare Education and Training Board as part of the Validating Competencies of Care Sector Employees (VCCSE) SOLAS funded collaborative project.
The toolkit explains the RPL process and provides an outline of the roles and responsibilities of the RPL core provision staff (coordinator, mentor, assessor) who support the RPL applicant navigate the different stages of the process. This toolkit also has information and handouts relevant to the applicant.
On the 8th of December 202,1 the ETBI Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) conference ‘Mainstreaming RPL in the ETB FET context’ launched the report: ‘Evaluation of TOBAR – a pilot project in the recognition of prior learning'. This project was delivered in partnership with the Irish Defence Forces and 10 ETBs in 2018 and 2019. The recommendations set out in the TOBAR Report show considerable promise in the mainstreaming of RPL across the ETB and FET sector. The conference launched this pivotal report and showcased the experiences of learners and employers who have participated and engaged with RPL processes.
Contributions from CEDEFOP, SOLAS and QQI focused on validation and policy in the national and international context. A panel discussion with contributors provided an opportunity to expand on the themes discussed.
Mainstreaming TOBAR Evaluation Recommendations
RPL in Practice; Employer Experience
RPL in Practice; Learner Experience of RPL
Update on Consultation of European Validation of Non-Formal and Informal Learning
RPL Policy and Strategy Context
RPL QQI Policy Framework in Ireland
RPL in FET Programme Design and Development
This report was commissioned as a means of developing and mainstreaming RPL in Further Education and Training (FET). It considers what lessons can be learned from an RPL pilot project delivered in 10 Education and Training Boards in partnership with the Defence Forces during 2018 and 2019. The report’s findings show how RPL can contribute to achieving important goals in supporting inclusion, skills development, and supply, and creating pathways for learners.