Adult Safeguarding in FET
- A set of policies and procedures intended to safeguard the welfare of vulnerable adult learners in the FET sector
ETB FET Vision for Tertiary Education
ETBI: Supporting Staff Wellbeing in a Crisis
- Slides from a webinar presented 10th November 2020 by Dr Shay Heneghan and Aileen Minihan of DDLETB Psychological Support Services
ETBI Submission to DFHET Public Consultation on the Review of the Student Grant Scheme
- Highlighting how the Grant scheme could be reformed to allow more equitable access for FET learners.
ETBI Submission to the National Access Plan (NAP) consultation
- Sectoral submission to National Plan for Equity of Access to Higher Education ('National Access Plan') public consultation
ETBI Wider Benefits of Learning Report 2015
- Report documenting the "wider benefits of learning" in ETB Further Education and Training (FET) programmes, with particular reference to Community Education and Adult Literacy
External Authenticator Handbook
- This handbook guides external authenticators towards accessing important information which they may find useful.
FET College of the Future
- A central element of the new National FET Strategy is the development of the ‘FET College of the Future’: This paper outlines the vision for that development
FET in Focus
- Produced by the Research, Data and Strategic Engagement Unit of SOLAS, this publication celebrates the diversity of FET learners and presents their stories and how their experiences in FET changed their lives.
FET Learner Outcomes - Early Leavers Report
- This report uses the Programme and Learner Support System (PLSS) database and the Educational Longitudinal Database (ELD) to examine early leaver learner outcomes for those learners who were enrolled and exited their courses in 2017
The Importance of Further Education and Training
Learner Supports Report
- A small-scale research project looking at supports provided to FET learners by ETBs
LGBTIQA+ Guide for FET Practitioners
- Produced in association with ShoutOut, this guide is for anyone who wants to be more informed about LGBTQIA+ issues, especially those who work with young people as a youth worker, teacher or social worker
Non-Irish Nationals in FET
- SOLAS report providing key statistics and highlighting the profiles of non-Irish nationals in FET, including two focus studies on Irish and Non-Irish Nationals Engaged in Home Duties and Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the FET sector
Outdoor Education and Training 2021-2023
- This document outlines the contribution that ETB Outdoor Education and Training Centres can play in contributing to and enhancing education and training in Ireland.
Quick Reference Guide to Useful Services and Supports for Inclusion and Wellbeing
- A guide, developed by SOLAS, listing details of organisations which may be of benefit to learners in the areas of inclusion and wellbeing
Sectoral Review of ETB Outdoor Education Provision
- A review of ETB outdoor education provision in Ireland
Study of the role, contribution and impact of Education and Training Board (ETB) Further Education and Training (FET) Services on Active Inclusion in Ireland
- Position paper aiming to further embed Active Inclusion across ETB FET provision, informed by national policy and practice.
Study of the Role, Contribution and Impact of Education and Training Board (ETB) Further Education and Training Provision and Support Services in Community Education in Ireland
- Position paper on the role, value, delivery and future of ETB FET Community Education
Women in FET
- A study examining female participation in FET
ETBI and ETB Responses to COVID-19
The COVID-19 pandemic presented a unique set of challenges to ETBI and the FET sector, particular in terms of providing continuity of learning and teaching. These four documents summarise ETBI and the ETBs responses to COVID-19:
Further Education and Training COVID-19 Procedures
- This document provides guidance on the steps and processes to be in place across further education and training institutes to effectively and efficiently response to COVID-19 in these settings.
ETB COVID-19 Contingency Plans Survey Report
- ETBI surveyed the sixteen Education and Training Boards (ETBs) on their COVID‐19 Contingency Plan. This report summarises the responses.
COVID-19 Response Update
- This infographic summaries the actions taken by ETBI in response to the COVID-19 pandemic
Further Education and Training Sector Response
- This brief report is a compilation of responses garnered from over 400 Further Education & Training staff working directly with a broad and inclusive learner cohort